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Please answer the following questions to assist us in providing you with the most complete overall service as we assess your information to provide relevant design services.  All information provided is held in the strictest confidence and used only for the designing purpose.

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Type of Project
Nature of Project
Project Budget
How would describe your decisiveness and design philosophy? (please check all that apply)
Special Considerations (Please check all that apply)
what is your entertaining Style for guests?
Entertaining Type:
What is the pattern of everyday dining and where are meals usually eaten?
What are your technical needs.
Does any household member work from home?
Is there a designated area for working in your home?
Areas to be include in your poject. ( please check all that apply)
What kind of enhancements are you considering? ( Please check all that apply)
What best describes your style? (Please check all that apply. you can pick more than one).

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